Charley Castex Interview on your Superior Self

Charley’s recent interview with Trey Downes of Your Superior Self Podcast.

Trey Downes has interviewed many notables in the field of human potential and transformation including Dr. Amit Goswami and Aubrey Marcus.

Charley’s interview starts up around the !2 minute mark.


Team Castex

Charley Castex: Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth  Interview: Your Superior Self

Charley Castex: Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth Interview: Your Superior Self

Building a Bigger Bandwidth

On December 10th 2020, a 13.6 ounce- 6 x 9-inch baby book was born.

The parents hoped for Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth to be born a strapping Sagittarius, but you never know with birth, it arrives in a blaze of blood and howling. You can’t consult your calendar before the water breaks.

 My dear dad and eldest sister were both born under the fiery sign of the archer. Sagittarius is the teacher, traveler and idealistic badass of the zodiac. Two-thirds of my astrological tapestry is fashioned by this philosophically fit, human-horse hybrid. A man on a horse may be dethroned- but a half equine man is a super hero. Centaurs derive their horsepower from wisdom beyond the horizon. When they encounter salesmen selling spoon fed shtick or microwave safe messages, angry arrows fly and trampling ensues. A Sag demands truth or hell gets paid in bitcoin.

One must be true – to know truth

Let me flash you some full frontal truth- ESB is a do it yourself, spiritual empowerment guide. The pages inform up leveling perception and reception of divinity. Binge on spiritual rocket sauce and become a bonafide bliss bunny. Is ESB another “Get enlightened in 30 days or your money back”- book? Sweet baby Jesus, no. It takes some of us thirty days to do our laundry. Best pencil in multiple months to go spiritually supernova.  

These strategies for syncing spirit, mind and body have been described as an antidote to 21st century overwhelm. To be sure, that’s an idealistic product title. Most of us by nature, know how to expand our waistline, but few are familiar with expanding their spiritual bandwidth. Stealthy soul craft shouldn’t be the exclusive domain of wizards and wise ones. After all, common folks like you, me and Oprah- could use some saving grace.

A sage once said: “Though we live in trying times- we are the ones who have to try.” It’s the proactive process of showing up for ourselves that’s often the damn deal breaker.

“Instead of championing our inner super hero, we farm the gig out to a therapist, wait for the x- men to do it, or pop a Xanax.”

(ESB strategy # 7 Sacred Selfishness)

A vast majority of folks give lip service to pursuing purpose and following their bliss, but when it comes down to it- they either power down or put it off; living a meaningless life is an avoidable tragedy. Wise ones always bear in mind, being a slacker sucks. It’s a sobering fact: only self-starters, self-actualize.  Most people never find themselves, simply because they don’t dare to look. 

The magic trick to getting over ourselves is going inside ourselves. Clarity is won through a continuum of mental maintenance. Attaining a spiritual spit shine is a byproduct of simply “doing the work.” Sweep the floor daily and you won’t face a week’s worth of funk on Sunday.

I believe, it’s never too late to get in the best shape of your life. Even if you can’t touch your toes – your spirit can still kiss the sky. Like Neptune’s pitchfork, there are three dimensions to beingness: (Body- Mind- Spirit) choose a chunk of the triad to champion and pierce your potential.

Chapter 13: Spiritual Fitness of ESB reveals the mindset that makes it happen.

“What’s required is little or no belief baggage, a collection of convictions and a few street-smart spiritual skills”.

 So, if you’re interested in cultivating a compassion reflex, becoming visionary, being inspired by breath or practicing psychic hygiene and more mojo motivation… here’s 216 pages of power to wrap your head and heart around.  Cracking the seal on your soul offers the rarest feeling of buoyancy you are likely to encounter, let the wild rumpus begin. Come on- get happy!

Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth : Foreward by Glenis Redmond: Poet Laureate & Author

We are over the Moon!  Signed & gift wrapped copies of Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth - available now!

We are over the Moon!

Signed & gift wrapped copies of Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth - available now!


Charley's new book- now released!

Holiday Greetings

 We are ecstatic to announce my long awaited book: Expand your Spiritual Bandwidth: Strategies for Syncing Spirit- Mind & Body has released! Available now in Paperback & Kindle published by Only Love Press. The neighbors are peeping through their windows with raised eyebrows, as we exchange giddy high five’s over here.  

 Our new book has been described as “An antidote to 21st century overwhelm.” Indeed, a bold claim. But I did my level best delivering these empowering strategies. As the chaos of global uncertainty churns, sanity saving Protips, are naturally the hot ticket these days. Heaven knows- a little grace goes a hell of a long way. For the first 10 days of Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth’s launch, every 5-star Amazon review wins the ESB bonus Strategy: “Graduating Groundhog day” via digital file!

Healthy Holiday’s & Love forward

Charley Castex- Kathryn & Team Castex



The Gift Within Us

The Gift Within Us” is currently a swift best seller on Amazon. Mary Ann Borher has written a compelling and thought provoking book on the power of Intuition. I am honored to be amongst the Featured Intuitives in those pages. One of my favorite scientists, Dean Radin, weighs in on the subject of clairvoyance and champions the notion that deep sensing is part and parcel of human potential. Extra sensory perception might not seem normal, but it is totally natural. One of the coolest things about our young, flailing twenty first century, is that Intuition has gone mainstream. People are following their hunches and orienting by the pulsations within the gut - like never before. Uncertain times necessitate a look within and a deep rethink as to what’s truly important. By the hour, folks are rediscovering something they have secretly suspected- The gift is indeed within us… the prize is always on the inside.
