Cheers to Love!

“Love is friendship, caught on fire”…Bruce Lee

In these topsy turvy times, my perpetual aspiration is to maintain an open heart.

It’s a simple choice really: we can open or close, expand or contract into either a state of Love, or Fear. Pick one. Choice is the easy part. Staying in love is indeed a more rigorous proposition. Yet, it’s only hard if you’re hard. The thriving process requires softening the heart.

If you feel an ounce of healthy pride in having gone through the fire – you are a living example of being bigger than anything that happened to you. You have come through fire. Bone and sinew have been forged in a blast furnace and are now solid steel. Your hardening ensured survival. Now the thriving process requires the opposite, tempering dynamic- softening your heart… Becoming a being lost in love- takes downright devotion. Not starchy devotion to someone or some thing mind you, just a rock-solid commitment to embodying divine emotion- what a delicious possibility. Yours truly gets so much practice at love in action, that I professionally rehabilitate fighters into lovers. How to? You just gotta want grace, more than psychodrama.  Take two of these️❤️ and call me in the morning.

In celebration of Valentine’s day - - Couple Readings now on sale!


Enjoy $25. off Couple Readings 

through 3-15-25

*Treat your spirit! -- experience Charley’s Clairvoyant Counseling

Enjoy $25. off: Spiritual Support Sessions

*Cheers to Love!

Kathryn, Charley & Team Castex 


Live Workshop in Greenville SC / Back to school!

Back to school 

As a boy, my mother used to tell me: “Where there’s a will – there’s a way”.

Surely she was right. Sometime later, life taught me, “The will is the way”.

We get good at whatever we practice. When we engage the will, we initiate ourselves beyond inertia, moving off the couch and out of complacency.  If intention and attention align, an exalted possibility exists: becoming the person you have always wanted to be.

Spiritual empowerment allows us to experience an exquisite existence- to fully humanize ourselves. We are all going “back to school”, learning how to live. This fall. our spiritual coaching students are stacking up! Folks seem to cherish assistance and crave support on their path.  See you soon- at school!


We are excited to announce our upcoming live event in Greenville South Carolina!

Expand Your Spiritual Bandwidth

Strategies for Syncing Spirit- Mind & Body *

Live workshop!

10-17-24 --- 6-8 Pm -- $25.

Its Yoga! Studio

Register @

225 Halton Rd, Suite D

Greenville SC  

* 864. 354.2882




Fall up & Grace forward!

Upcoming Meta Muse - Tarot & Spiritual Empowerment

Happy to announce our next Metaphysical Musings summer event!

 Confucius delivered this delicious advice; “it is better to radiate light than heat.”

Well, uh, yeah… joy is decidedly juicier than bitching and moaning.

Question is- how to? How do we pivot from questing, to becoming exalted by divine grace?

 Shifting from window shopping spirituality, to lighting up with love- involves showing up to soul craft. July’s “Soulcraft” event explored the artful application of attention and intention- in making our lives a masterpiece. Cheers to radiating light!

 In August we launch part 1 of our two-part Tarot & Spirituality series!

Tarot is a spiritual compass, a guidance system composed of symbolic language.

The individual cards are a collection of life slides- a visual story illustrating the Sojourn of the Spirit. This August Metaphysical Musings will dive into this fascinating oracle for self-transformation.

 Hope to see you there— Summer fun forward!

Soul Craft - Metaphysical Musings Event

Do you ever get the gnawing feeling that there must be more to life than – earning and yearning. More to the existential picture than dating and mating?

July’s Metaphysical Musings event centers on juicy soul craft.

Inner alchemy: is about kissing the frog. Transforming wounds and weirdness into wisdom.

Soul craft is not about tweaking the soul. Soul is the essence of perfection.  Your soul is whole. The point is expanding receptivity to grace- to realize the prize on the inside. Lao Tzu said: “man can only hit the target he aims at”. Draw back the bow, and take aim. Zero in focus - because Buddha’s not going to do it for you.

We can change the world by changing ourselves. Destiny unfolds either by default or design. Make your life a masterpiece by drafting a blueprint—with passion & precision. Soul craft invites us to curate consciousness, perceive our preciousness and Lock in with the light.

 July’s Metaphysical Musings Event is:

Soul Craft-making your life a masterpiece’.

Join us for this juicy exploration of spiritual empowerment.

 Soul Craft: July 13th 3-4:30PM - On Line Event*

90 minutes of Wisdom teachings & Q&A guidance.

$15. Registration:

Metaphysical Musings Event

The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains- is the Zen you bring up there”.

Robert Pirsig

Charley Castex & Richard Sparrow Eagle— Lakota Spiritual Leader 1992

 In this time capsule- circa 1992: we have Richard Sparrow Eagle, spiritual leader of the Lakota nation and one bright eyed, long haired aspirant who soaked up the spiritual stuff.

This honest to God- Holy man, took the young buck under his wing, until he could fly on his own. Six years learning and living with Sparrow Eagle, was one surreal sandwich.

 In this photo opportunity moment, our mission was a vision quest on the pine ridge reservation- in South Dakota. After purifying in the sacred sweat lodge, I was poised to be placed on the hill to “cry for a vision” for several nights.  No shelter, no food, no fooling.

 The point of this transcendental endurance exercise is to receive a vision. These visionary messages spell out a specific destiny, a path of positive contribution to people and the planet for the next 7 generations.

 I asked sparrow eagle “what if a rattle snake were to enter my circle”?

“If your heart is right and your faith isn’t luke warm – you ought to be able to pick up the snake and relocate it.”  Well, no snake stories to report- but I have a full lid of sacred experiences. Tradition teaches that if you are fortunate enough to receive a divine download, you bloody well better share it.  So Bam!


See you at: Metaphysical Musings with Charley

(Mystical Experiences – Lightning Strikes & Spiritual Awakening)

Spring: On Line-Event: April 27th 3- 4:30Pm — $15.
