New Spiritual Coaching Sessions

I am not what happened to me- I am who I choose to become.”

Carl Jung-

 It seems like I’ve always been an alternative spiritual counselor- a guide of souls.

I have an early memory of counseling a policeman and pontificating about “life lessons”, while still playing with Tonka trucks.

The Cops came to our house because mother was on another ballistic bender.

When the war zone got to be too much, one of us kids would “call the cops” hoping sheer embarrassment would scare mom straight. Sergeant Pat said: “How do you know all this?” Your just a kid!… “ “I don’t know officer, I see movies in my mind and sense things”.

 Guidance is Grace.

Spiritual guidance grants clarity without explanation or analysis because, truth is fond of outing itself. That’s the cool thing about Clairvoyant Counseling, you don’t have to lay on the couch and tell me what’s bugging you. I will lovingly describe what’s swimming in your subconscious.

For nearly thirty years now, I’ve facilitated alternative mental and spiritual counseling for folks. Mythically speaking, spiritual guides are not too rare but might require research to find. Skywalker had Obi wan – Potter had Dumbledore- but most walk the path solo.

Our new Spiritual Coaching Sessions are crafted to take the guess work out of getting sane, balanced and blissful in challenging times.

Wisdom greases the wheels, motivating one towards wholeness and empowerment.

And if your hankering for alchemical advice: mixing love with wisdom heals.

In sharing this sacred alliance, it’s my privilege to be the personal trainer for your soul.

Upward & Inward!

 Experience Charley’s Guidance, Wisdom and custom crafted spiritual support!

 New Spiritual Coaching Sessions

 Charley Castex Coaching * (Lesson Containers – now offered at discount)

 Grace Forward,

Charley, Kathryn and Team Castex

Charley's New Guidance Studio!

Hey Everyone...

Wonderful to announce our new Guidance Studio in Asheville NC!

Holiday Childress and I are sharing the studio at Sola Salon Downtown Asheville NC. Holiday is a super celebrated Hair stylist and kindred soul, we are thrilled to be sharing space together at Holiday Grooms

This just in: From Holiday Childress Hairstylist Extraordinaire....

Dear friends,

I’m very excited to share this news! My good friend and spiritual counselor , Charley Castex , will be sharing my studio space on the days and times when I am not in the salon. Charley provides psychic and intuitive readings and he is highly skilled in his work. His clairvoyant gifts have been insightful and accurate to me for over 2 decades.

Charley has been voted best psychic in Asheville in The Mountain Xpress for over a decade and has also been featured in the New York Times and Huffington Post.

I’m thrilled to share my space with him and I highly recommend Charley if you are interested in a reading, or spiritual coaching.

To find out more about Charley and his work just click this link to his site.

As always, all my best wishes to you and yours. Thank you for keeping me busy and I look forward to seeing you soon. Cheers!



Charley's Summer Wow! Event

Save the Date!

Words of Wisdom

A Sunday afternoon of inspiration and spiritual Guidance.

Summer wow Event*

July 30 2023


* Free Event/Love Donation

*Please arrive 20 Minutes before the event.

*Registration not required— Grab your seat and relax

Outdoors (covered shelter) at beautiful Flat Rock Park!

107 Blue Ridge Rd East Flat Rock, NC 

(short drive from Asheville NC)

 An Afternoon of Inspiration & Spiritual Guidance. for going onward and upward on your spiritual path. Words of wisdom guidance event will include a Live Q&A followed by a book signing/meet and greet with Charley!


Be a Divine Fool

All men are fools- only wise men know it”.

Tao Te Ching

If you have ever been a 1st grader or a freshman, you have been a fool

On the road from child to wise one, we risk sucking out loud while climbing the learning curve. Getting wise demands boldly going where no idiot has gone before.

Growing beyond the known requires doubling down on discovery.

The Tarot’s fool card depicts the soul in search of experience. Waltzing chin up towards the abyss of the unknown, this joker forsakes safety by saying yes to adventure. A Hero’s Journey (also known as the mono myth) is a sojourn of becoming a full-fledged life.

As a running fool, Forrest Gump is a gutsy simpleton who won the world by embodying innocence. Aligned with serendipity and soulfulness – Forrest was always in the right place at the right time. Someone who’s clueless can still conquer adversity with conviction. Run Forrest run!

There once was a saddened king- who couldn’t be consoled by his royal court.

Reaching out to his jester in despair, the king asked for wisdom that would lighten his heavy heart and sober him when feeling prideful.

The motley fool handed over a ring thusly inscribed: “This too shall pass”.

By grinning, we just might bear it.

Dare to devour each day- be a divine fool.

The prize is on the inside

In every human being there is a heaven whole and unbroken” Paracelsus


Happiness is an increasingly rare commodity in modern society, yet chasing after it is a dumb way to seek fulfillment. The irony of questing for joy, is that bliss is already preprogrammed.

The prize is on the inside- at the bottom of the cereal box.


Wise folks, have historically said: “what you are looking for- is inside of you”.



The inner core is often the very last place humans probe for happiness. In order to access our bliss, we have to know where its located. So please inquire within.

Zen stories, say we are “Riding an Ox – in search of the ox”.

Genuine inner joy resides within the inner sanctum of the soul - below the surface of skin.

Not beyond self- but inside the self.

Accessing this inner flow of happiness requires sensing your soul through Quieting/meditation.

Much like monitoring your vehicles gas gauge, core referencing becomes a natural reflex. Bliss sits slightly off center from ordinary awareness so it takes a redirect from freaking and fretting to notice the miracle inside every moment. Look up and lock eyes with life.

The way to happiness is super simple- stop being unhappy.


 Sexy as it sounds, bliss isn’t the rarefied reserve of saints, It’s an everyman’s sensation.

High octane happiness is spiritual rocket sauce.

Get you some!