A magical three-day immersion in spiritual empowerment and intuitive clarity in the breathtaking beauty of the Blue Ridge mountains. Charley will lead our weekend of serenity in the picturesque hundred-acre landscape of Amadell Retreat Center.
Nestled in the Pisgah National Forest, Amadell is an easy 45 min drive from Asheville North Carolina.
Charley Castex Original Bliss Three-Day Retreat: June 22-24th
Original Bliss Retreat Registration: $295
The Event Programs
*Original Bliss- guidance for experiencing spirituality passionately and practically in your life.
*The Five Stages of Spiritual Life- insights into the mechanics and mysteries of the spiritual path.
*Intuitive Awakening: An interactive tutelage experience on all things Intuitive. Charley will share effective hands-on strategies for tapping inner guidance and offer empowering advice for living sensitively in the 21st century.
*Answers Forum with Charley: Personal guidance and support for your path.
* One-day Original Bliss Retreat experience: available for day participants.
Charley's teaching programs focus on spiritual empowerment and rediscovering Original Bliss. Over our weekend retreat, Charley will present an Intuitive Development class providing techniques to exponentially awaken your intuitive potentials.
To register for Original Bliss - Charley Castex retreat: e-mail info@charleycastex.com