Original Bliss Spiritual retreat June 22nd

 Summer is almost here!

We are thrilled to be connecting with our Asheville community this season for Charley's two upcoming events!

Whenever you feel the warm glow of falling in love with existence,
you are experiencing original bliss.

Your spiritual sojourn is a joy ride, not an endurance exercise. Before the age of reason, we are all driven by a singular desire to play. Whole hearted surrender to full sensory experiences are a big part of the human primary program for beingness. 

Original Bliss is characterized by non-effort. As kids we don’t have to work at it, we get it instinctively, feeling filled with fun is our default spiritual state. Returning to Original Bliss begins with a simple remembrance- the bliss you are seeking resides within. It’s basically all about relaxing your focus on traumas and dramas and retraining your psyche to plug into the high octane, positive energy encased within the present moment. Innocence creates confidence, so practice total ease about being human.

“On the spiritual path, seriously choose to feel bliss
and buoyancy instantly appears”.
 Sincerely seek bliss, soar in the skies of serenity- 
Enjoy your precious ecstatic existence.    
 Charley Castex

                                 Original Bliss Spiritual retreat                              

Charley's three-day Spiritual Retreat in Asheville NC area.
Join us for a magical three-day immersion in Spiritual Empowerment and Intuitive Awakening classes in the breath-taking beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Charley will lead our weekend of serenity on the picturesque hundred-acre landscape of-

Amadell Retreat Center                               www.amadell.org

Three Day Original Bliss Retreat *June 22-24
($295 includes all events)
Excellent on site lodging available at Amadell Retreat Center.
One and two- day retreat participants are also welcome to register for the Original Bliss Retreat.
Inquire for lodging at  www.amadell.org

Also on the docket for Asheville North Carolina!

Charley Castex-  Summer Guidance Event 2018:
An Afternoon of Spiritual Guidance at The Light Center -Sat June 2nd Black Mountain NC
 2:30- 4:30 $25 @door. Register at urlight.org
An Afternoon with Charley Castex exploring Spiritual Empowerment and achieving intuitive clarity. The event includes a  question and answer session with Charley!  





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