“The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains- is the Zen you bring up there”.
Robert Pirsig
Charley Castex & Richard Sparrow Eagle— Lakota Spiritual Leader 1992
In this time capsule- circa 1992: we have Richard Sparrow Eagle, spiritual leader of the Lakota nation and one bright eyed, long haired aspirant who soaked up the spiritual stuff.
This honest to God- Holy man, took the young buck under his wing, until he could fly on his own. Six years learning and living with Sparrow Eagle, was one surreal sandwich.
In this photo opportunity moment, our mission was a vision quest on the pine ridge reservation- in South Dakota. After purifying in the sacred sweat lodge, I was poised to be placed on the hill to “cry for a vision” for several nights. No shelter, no food, no fooling.
The point of this transcendental endurance exercise is to receive a vision. These visionary messages spell out a specific destiny, a path of positive contribution to people and the planet for the next 7 generations.
I asked sparrow eagle “what if a rattle snake were to enter my circle”?
“If your heart is right and your faith isn’t luke warm – you ought to be able to pick up the snake and relocate it.” Well, no snake stories to report- but I have a full lid of sacred experiences. Tradition teaches that if you are fortunate enough to receive a divine download, you bloody well better share it. So Bam!
See you at: Metaphysical Musings with Charley
(Mystical Experiences – Lightning Strikes & Spiritual Awakening)
Spring: On Line-Event: April 27th 3- 4:30Pm — $15.
Register @www.charleycastex.com/consultations