Do you ever get the gnawing feeling that there must be more to life than – earning and yearning. More to the existential picture than dating and mating?
July’s Metaphysical Musings event centers on juicy soul craft.
Inner alchemy: is about kissing the frog. Transforming wounds and weirdness into wisdom.
Soul craft is not about tweaking the soul. Soul is the essence of perfection. Your soul is whole. The point is expanding receptivity to grace- to realize the prize on the inside. Lao Tzu said: “man can only hit the target he aims at”. Draw back the bow, and take aim. Zero in focus - because Buddha’s not going to do it for you.
We can change the world by changing ourselves. Destiny unfolds either by default or design. Make your life a masterpiece by drafting a blueprint—with passion & precision. Soul craft invites us to curate consciousness, perceive our preciousness and Lock in with the light.
July’s Metaphysical Musings Event is:
Soul Craft- “making your life a masterpiece’.
Join us for this juicy exploration of spiritual empowerment.
Soul Craft: July 13th 3-4:30PM - On Line Event*
90 minutes of Wisdom teachings & Q&A guidance.
$15. Registration: